Products & Services

OTT/CTV • Audience Extension • Video • Email

OTT/CTV (including Hulu)

The combination of TV’s branding power and addressable targeting capabilities of digital offers incredible advertising opportunity via over the top and connected TV devices.

Contextual/Keyword Targeting

Your ads are served alongside keywords or phrases as they are being viewed by online users (your potential customers).


Also referred to as remarketing, retargeting is a strategy aimed at reaching online users who have already visited your website.

Behavioral Targeting

A targeted method that uses web user information to strengthen advertising campaigns. The technique involves gathering data from a variety of sources about the potential customer’s online browsing and shopping behaviors. This information helps create ads that are relevant to that specific user’s habits and interests, which the publisher can then display in that visitor’s web browser.

Search Targeting

Target an audience based on the previous searches they conduct on other websites. Unlike site retargeting or remarketing, search retargeting is designed to find new customers who have likely never been to a marketer’s website before.

Targeted Email Marketing

We can target your custom audience down to a very granular level. With email targeting, you have zero wasted advertising with high delivery, open, and click-through rates to reach your desired audience.


Target by Lat/Long, radius, zip code, city, DMA, State, and the ability to track foot traffic into your location or event. Also, target specific location’s traffic up to a year in the past.

Demo Targeting

Target by age, income, family size, ethnicity, language spoken, gender, and more.


A Whitelist campaign offers the opportunity to appear on credible, highly sought after hand-selected websites, whose primary demographic matches the target audience you are after.

Social Advertising

We can help with your social advertising needs with targeting capabilities on Facebook and Instagram.

Streaming Radio

Advertise with targeting capabilities on such platforms as Spotify, Tune-In, SoundCloud, and Pandora.

Are you ready to make the Right Choice for your digital marketing campaign? Contact us today.